Singers - there aren't a whole lot of notes for you below, but generally things to be aware of:
- Practice singing with the songs to find harmonies.
- Memorize the words and the melodies
- Please, PLEASE feel free to vamp - great examples of this below can be found in Great Are You Lord, Lion and the Lamb, Good Good Father
- Find new singing parts - there are several songs below that lend themselves to echo parts (or something close) but no one sings them. Try to listen for where they might find and make up your own part
- Listen to this version for the drum solo beginning:
- Otherwise, listen to this version below for:
- Keyboard parts clearer - there's the intro solo, then during the chorus, there's a similar part
- Acoustic guitar - listen to the strumming pattern during 'Worthy is the lamb who was slain'
- Elect. guitar - listen to the muted picking during the verses
- Singers, please get very familiar with this song this week (know the words and the melody)
- Drummers, this should be a fun song to practice to since there is no drummer and you can actually drum with him.
- Keyboards - please get familiar with the chord patterns and changes
- Acoustic Guitar - learn his strumming pattern :-)
- E. Guitar - find a good, full, moderately distorted patch if you can and play full chords
- Keyboards - learn the keyboard solo part (both of you). The song actually doesn't start with the keyboard solo, if that helps :-) Also, listen to the string section that starts at the second chorus. One of you could do that.
- E. Guitar - notice in little ditty that's done all through the second verse (picking). When the song gets bigger, you'd play full chords
- Acoustic Guitar - you chug a lot in this song, just like this guy.
- Drums - On the set there's lots of tom work - pay attention to what he does. Otherwise, listen hard for the 'jingle bells'/tambourine Bethel loves to use them and they are in here.
- Everyone - notice the break after the intro where these's just drums before the verse
- E. Guitar - try to match that patch. Chugging in the verses.
- Keyboards - listen how the pad is all the way through the second verse (its light, but its there). Notice the keys part in the bridge - learn that as well. 2nd time through the bridge it changes to octaves in the right hand. See if you can follow the guitar solo as well as it will be handy to have one of you doing that (instrumental part and chorus part)
- Drums - You need to nail this drum part just like it is. Try not to add too many extra fills as it can get easy to loose your place and get distracting.
- Keyboards - Learn the intro part - also listen for the 'angelic organ' in places where it gets quieter.
- E. Guitar - there are several different patches used in this song. I like the one used in the chorus. You can mute it during the verses (like in the second verse) and then play full, open chords in the choruses.
- Acoustic Guitar - listen to the simple open strums the E.Guitar is doing in the first verse and the beginning of the bridge in this song. Try to emulate that in those parts. Otherwise, find a strum pattern that works for this song. Sing and play together - that will help you find a good strum pattern.
- E. Guitar - I LOVE the patch he uses in this song. Find that one and I'll be a happy guy (and you'll sound awesome)
- Drums - You will sweat practicing to this one. Copy exactly what this drummer does (pay particular attention to the changes with the high-hat) in the whole song - its a bit of work, I know, but you'll learn a lot if you keep listening
- Keyboards - listen to this version to hear a keyboard part It three notes that keep repeating over and over.
- Guitars - you have pretty much the same parts in this song. E. Guitar - see if you can match that patch :-)
- Keyboards - There's an organ in there - try and find it. Get used to the chord progressions and know them. I'll have some fun stuff for you to do (remind me if I don't show you)
- Drums - Another good song to listen carefully and learn precisely what the drummer does (one of the best ways to be a better drummer playing with a band - copy someone else)
- Acoustic Guitar - study his strumming pattern
- Drums - I don't think we'll do the big toms in the first chorus unless you can nail them as they are tricky. Listen to the beat in the second verse and how he builds into the chorus.
- E.Guitar - The sliding around soloing is tricky. See what you can do
- Keyboards - I think the bridge is the hardest part of this song, but they are super fun chords to play and listen to. Otherwise, its just following the chords on the chord sheet I believe.
- The first song in this 60 minute set. Its a fantastic arrangement. Listen to it all (as he restarts the song a couple of times before he goes into How Great is Our God)
- Drums - this is another song in 6/8 Jesus we Love You. Same thing here - practice drumming to this song - notice the different things this drummer does to keep the beat going when its quiet, and then to build intensity - its great!
- Keyboards - essentially there's a piano and a pad in this song. Listen for them and see what they do. Its essential to know the bridge part in this song. :-)
- E. Guitar - lots of different parts in this song to choose from. Find something you're comfortable with. Patch choice is huge
- Keyboards - piano and pad patches again. The bridge (again) is essential to know in this song.
- E. Guitar - there's a nice picking riff he does in this song - particularly noticeable in the pre-chorus and chorus.
- Drums - One of the keys to drumming in this song is the tempo and the fact that even though its a slow song, he drums solid (read hard) when its loud. Again, notice how he keeps the tempo going with this cymbal work when its quiet. When it gets louder, pay attention to how he continually adds something new to the beat to increase intensity.
- See what you all think of this one
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