In case you weren't aware, we have this week's practice and next week's practice to prepare for our chapel on Oct. 28th. I believe Thursday Oct 22nd is a holiday at school....!!! I may potentially arrange for a practice at my house that day. We'll have to see how things go.
So... given that, I thought I'd go over some notes, thoughts and mappings for the songs to help you all get ready :-) Again, everything here is open for discussion and should be used as a guideline - its not set in stone by any means. Also, a reminder for singers to memorize the words and instruments to memorize their chords. As you work on the songs (singers AND musicians) think and meditate on the words. They are really powerful! Internalize them.
Let them live inside you.
Happy Day in Key of G
- Intro - E.guitar to start then all other instruments join in. Keys - organ sound
- Verse 1 O.F solo? E.guitar muted. Organ whole notes following chords with right hand, joystick with left hand. A.guitar strum like E.guitar.
- Chorus Everyone sing, everyone play. Singers should all have mic stands so they can clap and move and 'be happy' :-)
- Verse 2 A.J. solo? Instruments same as first verse.
- Chorus 2 times Everyone sing, everyone play. Singers should all have mic stands so they can clap and move and 'be happy' :-)
- Bridge Drums you know what to do. Instruments follow the drums.
- Chorus Long held notes on G for whole chorus for instruments. Singers belting it out and clapping.
- Chorus This is where we get REALLY happy. Everyone sing, everyone play.
- Instrumental outro. Everyone playing E.guitar solos out.
Don't Ever Stop in Key of D
- Intro Keys once through the 'solo' theme (like the video) Synth sounds (Sweep Lead 260, and Oct Unison 252)
- Chorus All instruments on D. Drums just bass drum on every beat. Singers should be clapping on every beat.
- Instrumental Keys and E.guitar on 'solo' theme. Drums - bass and cymbal crashes on every beat. A.guitar and bass play D all the way through.
- Verse 1 C.M. solo? Drums straight rock beat. Guitars chugging. Keys play D-A-D with right hand and follow the chord notes with left hand (I'll show you what I mean)
- Chorus Keys - right hand plays D-D-A-A-G-F#-G-A, while left hand follows chord notes (again, I'll you what I mean) Guitars follow chords.
- Verse 2 Everyone singing. Same as verse 1 instrumentally
- Chorus 2 times. Instruments same as first chorus
- Instrumental Keys and E.guitar on 'solo' theme. Drums - bass and cymbal crashes on every beat. A.guitar and bass play D all the way through. Singers clapping!!
- Bridge 3 times All singers.
- Chorus Instruments same as first chorus Stop like video?
No Longer Slaves in Key of D
- Verse 1 J.L sings Keys simple D-A chord in right hand. Follow chord notes with left using layered piano and soft pad sounds. Guitars chugging on the beat. Drums - cymbal work.
- Chorus J.L. sings T.Z harmony. Keys and guitars same as verse. Drums - add bass drum on the off beat.
- Verse 2 Another singer? Keys and guitars continue but slowly building. Drums - keep bass on off beat, with high hat.
- Chorus 2 times All singers. Instruments continue strumming, but bigger and building.
- Instrumental Keys only with the bridge chords. Free worship until everyone is ready
- Bridge instrumental all instruments strumming. Singers doing ohh's
- Bridge singing at least 2 times. Everyone singing and going for it. Instruments continue building. Everyone be ready to repeat the line 'I am a child of God' several times before coming out of the bridge
- Chorus Everyone Big!!!
- Instrumental Keys only with the bridge chords. Free worship
Amazing Love in key of D
- Chorus in D T.Z. solo? Keys, same sounds as previous song. Guitars are holding back.
- Chorus everyone singing. Instrument all in, but restrained.
- Bridge T.Z. solo?
- Bridge again... All singers and instruments building to key change to E!!!!
- Chorus in E Everyone Big!!