Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Sept 30 Chapel Debrief and New Songs

Well done, everyone!  That was (in my opinion) a great chapel and a great to start off the year for our team.  Genuinely, it real team effort by everyone.  Set up went quite well considering it was our first time on together as a team.  Thanks to everyone for pitching in.  Please don't forget about the session this Friday afternoon to get more practice doing that!

I was extremely pleased with how everyone covered their part today, instrumentally and vocally.  You all did great!!  Our two fast songs went well.  Great job ladies with the solos and E. Guitar with getting all those parts down.

Drums, you were solid throughout.  Keys - fantastic job giving us that foundation we needed through all the instrumental time and then with Great are You Lord.  I don't know about you, but I was rather surprised how the whole room really got into that song in the bridge.  It turned out great.  Super job everyone.  Now, on to our next set list... :-)

Don't Ever Stop   Key of D   (Chord Sheet)

Happy Day   Key of G (Chord Sheet)

No Longer Slaves  Key of D  (Chord Sheet)

Amazing Love (just Chorus & Bridge)  Key of D & E   (Chord Sheet)

Monday, September 21, 2015

Song Mappings for Sept. 30th Chapel

Hi Everyone,
I wanted to try and get these out to you as soon as I could.  Here's a guideline for how we'll be doing the songs in Chapel.  Let me know if you have any questions, concerns, or any other thoughts  :-)

Chapel Sound System Setup Checklist for Band

Chapel Stage Placement Mappings

Let God Arise     Key of E

  • Musical intro  BIG instrumentally   C.S. please use the organ for this song.  You can hear it really well in the video.
  • Verse 1    O.F Sings.  Guitars hold E.  M.W.  perhaps a metal Wawa patch for the verse?  Drums just high hat and bass drum like the video.  C.S., just hold a high E note on the organ and use the joystick for vibrato off until 'come and see' where you'd play 3-note chords (Em, D)
  • Prechorus   Drums -double time on the snare like the video.  M.W. no more Wawa - just straight metal patch.  C.S. full 3 note organ chords.  We all play staccato (short) notes with the snare until the file 'saves' which we hold.
  • Chorus 1 time  Vocals in unison.  instruments big.
  • Short Instrumental with guitar solo
  • Verse 2   C.M. Sings.  Guitars hold E.  Drums just high hat and bass drum like the video.  C.S., same as first verse - hold a high E note on the organ and use the joystick for vibrato off until 'He holds the keys) where you'd play 3-note chords (Em, D)
  • Prechorus   Drums -double time on the snare like the video.  M.W. metal patch.  C.S. full 3 note organ chords.  We all play staccato (short) notes with the snare until the file 'saves' which we hold.
  • Chorus 2 times  Vocals in harmony.  Instruments big.
  • Instrumental into bridge - just full, held chords  A, E, B 2 times
  • Bridge 4x start quiet with just voices in unison, high hat, and bass with short notes.  Building and adding instruments each time through the bridge.
  • Chorus big cymbal shots and held chords until 'our God reigns' and then back into driving beats etc.
  • Instrumental outro

You Are Good    in the Key of G    

  • Instrumental intro  E. Guitar starts, then drums.  Bass, Keys (organ patch, right hand only playing high), and Acc. Guitar in big and do the intro again.  Remember the pause and guitar strum before we start the first verse!  :-)
  • Verse 1  J.L. & P.M. sing.  Drums (just high hat (no 16ths) and bass drum), E guitar muted chug, and bass.  Build up to first chorus
  • Chorus  All singing!  Drums (just high hat (no 16ths) and bass drum) & bass guitar.  No other instruments until build into instrumental.
  • Instrumental  E.Guitar solo.  All other instruments big.  Singers clap and have fun!
  • Verse 2  Girls sing.  All Instruments do shots (2 each time as we've done in practice)  Big build into chorus.
  • Chorus  2 times.   Everyone full on.  
  • Bridge  2 times  Quiet to start.  Gradually building all the way through.  
  • Chorus  Instruments hold the chords.  Drums - keep beat and intensity with just bass drum
  • Chorus  Everyone full on!
  • Instrumental out

Speaker talks here!!!

Great Are You Lord   in the key of E

  • Intro  Keys start (piano layered with soft pad)  Acc. Guitars picking a bit.
  • Verse 1  2 times  T.Z. Sings verse 2 times  Drums - similar to cover video (cymbal work and quite snare and bass stuff)
  • Chorus subdued  but everyone singing
  • Play through A, C#, B chords 2 times before singing verse again.  (these are the same chords as the verse and chorus so it should be a no-brainer)
  • Verse 1 again  Drums and guitars more solid.  Everyone singing.  We may do 'Great are you lord' several times before going into the chorus...  follow me - I'll give queues
  • Chorus 2x  Big, but not as loud and big as we can go.  Leave some room for later.  Really worship - sing to God.
  • Instrumental into bridge.  Keys and acoustic guitar.  
  • Bridge (several times).  T.Z  Sing it solo the first time - breathy.  Second time we all join singing, and we're starting to build, but don't build too fast.  Third time,  Continue building.   Listen for queues to either do it again or go into the chorus
  • Chorus  FULL ON BIG!  2 times. 
  • Bridge instrumental.  We may hang out here for a while.  Free worship etc.
Name above All Names/How Great is our God  key of E
  • If we have time to do this one, I'll give the queue on the guitar to go into 'name above all names' (don't worry about the queue on the keys, C.S. - its just as easy for me to do it on the guitar)  I'll lead us through this one with vocal queues.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Welcome to Our 2015-2016 Worship Team!

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to a new year of worship at BCS!  If there's one feeling I have for our band this year, it's that all of us - each and every one - should expect God to do great things in us and through us this year.  If there was a verse that I felt like went with this, it would be Ephesians 3:20 (The Message):
God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.
Our first chapel is Wednesday, Sept. 30.  The information I have now is that we will be doing a split set - some music at the beginning, and some music at the end.  We will have 3 practices to get ready for this chapel.  I think we'll do two fast songs and two slow songs.  Here they are:

Let God Arise - Chris Tomlin    Key of E   PDF Chord Chart

You Are Good - Bethel  Key of G    PDF Chord Chart

Great Are You Lord - Bethel   Key of E (its just the first song in this video below)  Word Doc Chord Chart

How Great is Our God - Chris Tomlin  Key of E  (second song in this video above - they go right into the bridge... I think we will too)   Word Doc Chord Chart