Saturday, May 10, 2014

June 10th Set List Possibilities

Here's some potential songs for our next Chapel.  Remember that a major part of learning a song is listening to it.  Please listen to these songs multiple times - over and over.  As you listen, focus on what your part it in the song and try and play it as they do in the videos.

Also, if we could try showing up on time to practice, that would help too.  :-)

Everyone - I think we might be able to pull this fast one together quickly.  Let me know if you do it a lot in chapels in the past.

Forever - We can easily include this one in the line up if we don't get board with it.  Perhaps we can move the key(s) up a bit?

Amazing Love  - This one is a definite go after practice last week.  I think it will come together well.

Healing is in Your Hands

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Chapel May 6 Debrief

Well...  I guess we could say we've accomplished our acoustic chapel without really meaning to.  :-)  That's the first time I've ever been in that situation before.  You all handled it like pros.  It was great to see C.Z. and O.F. just givin'er on the percussion. 

I thought that was probably our most relaxed set up, sound check, and worship set to date.  Everyone chipped in and helped and did their part from what I could see in the set up.  We were able to almost run through the entire set in the sound check.  Pre-power-outage worship was good.  I felt like we all knew where we were going - even when I through in an extra chorus a couple of times - great job!  It hardly phased you at all.  That's listening and being prepared!  I thought our feel and dynamics in the songs was very good - frankly I felt I could have done a little more to help the dynamics with my guitar in Beautiful, but I wanted to help with the singing and I didn't want to make a mistake.  We were definitely headed in the direction we wanted to go with Here I Am to Worship.  Actually, scratch that.  We got to where we wanted to go with Here I Am to Worship.  Ending it acapella was part of our original plan. 

Great job everyone!  I'm proud of you all.  That will be an experience none of us will forget. 

As things currently stand, we play Chapel again on June 10th.  Here's a song I'd like to do in the set list for that Chapel.  Please think about other songs we could do (Forever maybe?  since we didn't get to do it today?)