Thursday, December 4, 2014

New Songs!

Great practice today everyone!  I was impressed with how fast these songs are coming together.

God is Able - Key of E

This is Amazing Grace - Key of D

Forever Reign - Key of A

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Dec. 3rd Chapel Debrief

Well done today, everyone!  Thanks to everyone for the help setting up and Mr. D for the extra vocal practices.  For those of you who lead songs - great work!  We actually followed you and this really encourage me.  We will certainly work on doing more of that.

It felt to me like we had a good flow today - like we were organized and everyone knew what song was coming up next and what part they were doing in it.  That was a good feeling, believe me.  I think a couple of you probably realized (a bit late) that you should have practiced a bit more...  You know who you are  :-)

Drums, you guys did well.  I try and do you a favour next time and we'll decided a little more in advance who is doing what song.  I thought you did great, though.

Keys - its sounds so great when you play pads in the slow songs.  We need to get you more comfortable doing that in between the songs so I don't have to try and do it on the E Guitar so much.

Singers - the feedback that I got was that we truly had a great vocal blend.  We'll keep working on that going forward, and we'll also work on getting you more relaxed, moving, and enjoying yourselves.

Bass - great work!  I have no complaints - you provided a great foundation for us and it sounded good.

Some of you were asking for the notes from Mr. D's vocal practices.  Here they are:

1.  Learning to sound like a united team - All working together instead of a bunch of amazing singers all singing sort of independent of each other.  Learning to blend - listening for harmonies - phrasing, etc.  Which highlighted the importance of the vocal time together.  

2.  Leader on stage?  We addressed the need for someone to always be leading.  Someone who calls the order and other details like a capella, repeat a chorus/verse, etc...   

3.  Singing technique:  Using their voice to enhance the mood/atmosphere....can lift up the feeling of worship.  Letting go of inhibitions,  singing from diaphragm,   

4.  Presence on stage - being convinced of what they are singing, looking at each other often, smiling, moving.  Grouping singers together who have the same parts ( altos, tenors, melodies, harmonies, etc...)

5. Memorize the words!

NEW SONG!!  Key of E

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Last Minute Reminders for Dec. 5 Chapel

Hi Everyone,
Just some last minute reminders for the chapel coming up this week.

Vocalists - in the fast songs, smile and clap on your arm (or your leg, or something) with your spare hand.  Also, please remember to set up in a curve (like Mr. D's team does) so we can all see each other.

Can E.S. and M.W. please be team leads for set up again?  Thanks guys.

Your Grace is Enough
Electric Guitar intro.
Keys, do shots with the rest of the instruments in the verses.
Drums - remember to watch the bass guitar for beat on this one - particularly in the verses - match the bass drum to the beat the bass guitar is doing.
Singers, remember the different chorus words towards the end.

Joy, Unspeakable Joy
Drums - straight rock beat (bass, snare, bass, bass, snare) all the way to the 3rd verse.  Do fills only at transition points.
Instruments - remember we're pulling back and doing a big build with a key change to A at the 3rd verse.  Also, we replay the introduction of the song at the end (with the electric guitar solo).

Angels We Have Heard on High
Since this one key changes into E, we'll do it here as it will make for an easy transition into Here I am to Worship which is also in E.
- F and K are doing a duet in the first verse.  (remember this doesn't mean other vocalists don't sing!  they just don't hold up their mics to their mouths)
- Instruments only first chorus
- Everyone singing second verse
- H and G are singing the third verse ('Come to Bethlehem and see...')

Here I am To Worship
G sings the first verse.  Unison first chorus.
Remember big build after second verse into chorus.
Quiet start to bridge, build up to the big drum roll  :-)

Monday, November 10, 2014

Dec 5 Chapel

Good practice last week everyone.
Here's our tentative set list for our chapel on Dec. 5:

Your Grace is Enough - Matt Maher.  Key of E   I needed a simple, fast song that you all know.  I wanted us to try a new one.

Joy to the World (Unspeakable Joy)  Chris Tomlin  Key of G + A

Angels We Have Heard on High  Key of D   I have a good idea of how I want this song arranged now.  We'll work on it this week.  It will be much slower that we practiced it last week.

No video

Here I am to Worship   Key of E

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Nov. 5th Chapel Debrief

I don't know about you, but I thought that chapel went rather well.  There were hiccups here and there (including one big one by me), but I felt we endeavoured to be sensitive, we had a good idea of what we were doing and who was doing what, and we knew our songs well.

I have to preface everything I say in these 'debrief' blog posts with this disclaimer - what I say here are impressions that I get after considering how things went.  Since I'm playing and singing with you all, I'm only listening with half an ear.  Having said that, here's what I heard (and thought)....

Thanks to everyone for knowing your stuff and helping with the set up.  WAY better than last time.  Special thanks to E.S. and M.W. for coordinating the two set up teams.

Biggest pleasant surprise?  A.W. on the keyboards.  Great work!  The keys sounded strong and confident in both slow songs (which is where we really needed to hear you) and you came up with your own lick for 'How Great is Our God' that sounded really good.

Second biggest pleasant surprise?  O.F. singing the 'Name above all names' bridge.  Very nicely done!  Timing, tone, and confidence were all there.  You couldn't have done it better it we had practiced it from the beginning of the year.

I thought everyone did a great job of the singing parts that they had.  I'm not sure the mix was always there, but for the most part you all knew when and what you were singing.  I thought 'How Great is Our God' came together nicely vocally (with the exception of my early entry into one of the a cappella parts - I apologize for that).

The drums and bass gave us a great foundation in the slow songs.  They felt good, solid.  I thought Israel Houghton's 'You Are Good' went quite well.  M.W.'s guitar solo in Planetshakers 'You Are Good' sounded good too.

Things we can change and improve for the future:
- We could be more relaxed.  I know this is tough and a learning process.  I'm sorry if I came across as 'intense' in the practice before chapel.  Make no mistake,  I was very focussed.  I could probably do it better if I smiled more, though.  :-)
- Singers should stand in a curve instead of a straight line so it's easier for us to make eye contact with each other.
- We could get more comfortable with 'free worship'.

Food for thought:
- Is there a difference between 'cool' worship and 'true' worship?
- What are you focussed on when you are worshipping up front?
- What distracts you?
- What is the fruit in you after you've participated in leading a worship set?  How do you feel?  Exhausted, frustrated, exhilarated, light heart, heavy heart...?
- Worship is warfare.  See II Chron. 20:1-30

Friday, October 31, 2014

Nov. 5th Chapel

Hey everyone,
Good practice on Thursday.  We won't be able to practice together this weekend, but you can still practice at home  :-)   M.W. -  as discussed, you're the team lead for setting up the IEM system.  E.S. - again as we agreed, you're the team lead for stage set up.

Team leads - you're ensuring everyone has everything they need and knows what they doing and where they are going (refer to the stage layout handout I gave you on Thursday).  H.E. - as discussed, you'll be manning the front door from 7:10 to 7:25.  Everyone - DON'T ring the door bell.  Let H.E. get it for you.  If you arrive after 7:25.... well, you'll have to make your own way in.

F.F. - you said you'd read a scripture.  We'll get you to do it between the 2 fast songs.  Please read Psalm 136:1-3.

E.S. - If you comfortable, I'd like to you be 'the leader'.  At the beginning, invite everyone to join us.  Feel free to call out queues of where we're going (nice and loud).  Talk in between songs where you feel comfortable.  And please close our set with a prayer.

Everyone - as E.S. suggested in practice, there will be a place for any of you (if you feel lead) to briefly share after we're done with the two fast songs, or in between the two slow ones.  I'll provide some background music on the guitar.

Our agenda for Wednesday is:

  • E.S. Welcome and invitation to loosen up and worship with us.  Be loud and clear.  If you can't hear yourself through the main speakers, no one else will hear you.
  • You Are Good (Planetshakers)  Drums, remember to try and get the syncopated snare rhythm in the verses.  Guitars, we need to ensure that we're tight in this song, particularly in the bridge.  All instrumentalists - remember to go right to the bridge after we sing the chorus 2 times.  We also can't forget the single 'shot' in the verse on the word 'plan'.  We should also be doing a double shot on the words 'You are' going into the chorus.
  • F.F. Read Psalm 136:1-3.  Again, be loud and clear.  If you can't hear yourself through the main speakers, no one else will hear you.
  • You Are Good (Israel Houghton)  We'll start this song with drums and congas like we practiced.  Then acoustic guitar will play with them for 4 bars, then all instruments (big) for 8 bars and finally into the first verse.  Maintaining the tempo through the choruses is key in this song for the drums.  Guitars again need to ensure that we're not sustaining our notes when we shouldn't be (to keep it sounding clean).  Bass, don't forget your slides in the verse on the word 'forever'. 
  • We sit down in the front row, stage left (west side).  Allison Springer will speak here for ~ 20 minutes.
  • Healing is in Your Hands  A.W. - Start your intro as soon as you are ready and play this as background music until we're all ready.  Pretty much bass, keys, and acoustic guitar through the first verse and chorus in this song.  Remember, we're only doing half a chorus between the first and second verses.  After the second verse, singers can go into harmony and all instruments are playing.  In the Bridge, we all pull back.  Second time through the bridge we're building big (drums, help us here).  We just keep building through the chorus after the bridge to the end of the song.
  • Selah....  (pause and consider...)
  • How Great is Our God  Key of G.
    - First verse and 1 chorus - K.M. will play and sing the first half of the first verse alone ('the splendour of the king').  G.F.  will sing the second half of the first verse ('he wraps himself in light') with K.M playing acoustic.  In the first chorus drums do cymbal work, keys and bass join K.M. and everyone sings in unison.
    - Second verse and 1 chorus - all instruments playing, J.P. will sing the first half ('age to age he stands') and F.F. will sing the second half ('the godhead three in one').  Everyone joins in the chorus singing harmony and instruments are big.
    - First Bridge - all instruments pull back except bass, keys, and acoustic.  These three instruments play long notes first time through.  O.F. will sing the first time through - sing big and strong (I know you can)  :-).
    - Second Bridge - all instruments join and we're building big time.  Singers go into harmony.  Big cymbal roll into chorus....
    - Chorus after bridge - a cappella (no instruments)
    - Following choruses - All instruments back in big.
Things to keep in mind:
  • Singers, you're never not singing.  Like we talked about in practice, there will be some times where you won't have the mike at your mouth (amplified), but you should always be singing.  When you are designated to sing, kiss the microphone!!
  • Drums - keep your fills simple.  
  • Let's have fun and enter in!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Looking forward....

Looking ahead, here's how things sit:
  • Our next chapel is November 5th.  That's means there are 3 Thursdays left before that chapel - one of them is a day off from school!  
  • Our next chapel following that is December 3rd.  We will put together at least one Christmas song for that chapel.
  • Plans are being made for a 'BCS Night of Worship' on Saturday, May 23rd.  Our band tentatively has an extended set that evening.
I think we have a pretty good bead on our set for the next chapel.  Please be praying for that chapel and how God would have you involved (aside from singing/playing).  Testimony?  Read a scripture?  Pray?
  • You Are Good - Israel Houghton    Key of E    We have this song very close to ready.  Drummers need to think about the percussion intro and try and emulate the drum beats drummers do in the different parts of this song.   Instrumentalists need to ensure that our 'shots' are quick and short - not held!  Bass - there's a cool slide up (to E) you can do in the verse on the word 'forever'.  Listen to the music and you'll hear it.
  • You Are Good - Planet Shakers    Key of D  This one is almost ready as well.  Drummers, remember the syncopated snare beat in the verse (he does it on the video).  Also in the instrumental the bass drum needs to stay with the beat while you hit the snare and a cymbal in time with the shots.  Remember that a lot of the shots in this song are 'pushed' - that is instead of landing on the beat, they actually land a half beat before.  Keys, there's two parts to remember in this song - the 'broken chord with no 3rd' for the chorus that I showed you, and then the 3 note 'ditty' (B, A, G#) for the instrumentals.  
  • You Are Good - Kari Jobe   Key of D  This is probably our weakest song of this set, mostly because of the two things - timing of changes for the singers, and the chord progression of the instruments for the pre-chorus.  Singers, we'll work on the timing together (listen to the video for now). Instrumentalists, the chords you need to know for the pre-chorus are:  D, D/E (slide the D chorus up 2 frets), C#m, F#m, Bm, Bm/A (Play an Am slid up 2 frets), G, E.  These chord changes come pretty fast, so practice them - they consistently change on every second beat.
  • Healing is In Your Hands - Christy Nockels    Key of D   Keys, you're doing a great job on this song.  Keep it up!  I think this song is getting close as well.  We just need to get more comfortable with the tempo and dynamic changes as a group.
Here's a link to the page with those YouTube videos:
Please practice those songs!  The more comfortable you are with them, the better.

Songs we have 'in the bag' that we could do in a pinch for a youth group or church service if the opportunity presented itself - You should play/sing these songs every once in a while to remind yourself how they go....
- Amazing Love - Key of E
- Freedom Reigns in This Place - Key of G
- I Found a Love - Key of G
- Nothing is Impossible - Key of E
- You Are Good (Bethel) - Key of G
- Everyone (Desperation Band) - Key of E

Also, please start working on these songs below for the future (some of them we've done before):

You Are Glorious  (Key of B)   This song rocks.  It gets progressively more intense all the way to the end.  Drummers, you'll definitely want to pay close attention to all the different beats in the different parts of this song.  I'm sure you'll find the very last bit of the song 'fun'.   :-)

Joy To the World  (Key of G, then up to A)  We did this one last year, but in a different key.  Electric Guitar - let's nail the E. guitar part in the 'joy, unspeakable joy' part this year as its really cool and rather easy. 

Angels we have heard on High  (Key of D)   I think I have a fun arrangement of this song for us to do.  It not like this below but it will be easy to learn.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Oct. 8 Chapel Debrief

Well, that was an adventure!  I was thinking afterwards that it was - in a way - a great object lesson for all of us on the team of what Mr. Schneider talked about.  We were going into that worship set 'dark' from a sound check perspective.  I didn't know how things were going to go.  It wasn't a very comfortable feeling.  It gives us an opportunity to trust God.

You all did great!  You are real troupers.  I can only imagine the thoughts that were going through your heads this morning leading up to playing/singing.   When the time came though, you focused on the task at hand - you were intent on doing the best you could do.  You pressed in, through all the distractions, stress, and concerns... and you worshipped.  I couldn't be prouder of each of you.

What did you learn today?  Did God speak to you in any way during that experience?  Did you learn something about yourself (or did God show you something about yourself) through it?  If so, write it down somewhere (in a journal if you have one).  Don't forget it.  These are good experiences.

*****        *****        *****        *****        *****        *****        *****

More technically speaking.....
Electric Guitar - (not me), I'm so glad you were practiced up and prepared, as everyone mostly heard you in the mains.  And you did great.  That should be a substantial confidence builder for you  :-).

Singers - Great job.  I was actually a big surprised that we were able to keep the intensity of the music going in the fast songs.  I also heard you calling out queues - nice!  Several people mentioned to me how strong you all sounded together.  Well done.  Also I saw at least a couple of you enter into worship, lifting your hands.  And then when we entered into a bit of spontaneous worship after Amazing Love...  Right On!  That is where it's at.

Percussion - Well done guys!  I know that was a bit of a challenge with the sound situation.  The congas and the cymbal rolls sounded great.  Nice spontaneous work on the set in Everyone after the bridge.  It was almost like we planned it that way.

Keys - I heard the organ and it sounded great in the fast songs.  I missed the keys in Amazing Love because of the mix, so I can't really tell you how they sounded there.  :-)

Bass & Acoustic Guitars -Similar to keys, when I heard you it sounded great.  I loved how we worked together in the slow, more spontaneous times.  It felt very natural and 'right'.

Looking forward to talking more about this tomorrow and working on some new songs!  Be encouraged, everyone!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Arrangement Reminders for Wednesday

That practice was a lot of fun!  Electric guitar -please remember the patches you used today - they were great.  Drums, we need to continue to focus on consistent tempo and clean crisp playing.  Singers - smile and listen to each other.  Here's some other reminders for practicing this week and essentially our 'order of service':
  • We do the intro to You Are Good, but before we actually start the verse.....
  • I will have one of you read a short scripture here.  Please read loud, slow, and clear.  You need to be understood over the music behind you (we'll be chugging, ready to start the verse).
  • You Are Good (Bethel)
    • Singers, clap whenever you can in this song.   Unison singing in first verse and first chorus.
    • Electric Guitar - remember you have the 'elongated' lead part in the chorus.  Practice it with the video and you'll get it easily.
    • Keys, remember in the bridge there's a piano part - simple 5ths.  Listen to the video and see if you can work it out.  If not, no worries
  • Everyone
    • This is the song where we are doing the big bridge build to a complete cut-off.  Then starting with acoustic, we build the song back up again (acoustic, then drums and bass, then everyone else)
    • Singers, remember in the verse 'worthy is Your name' is fast and short.  We do not hold the word 'name'.  Every time we sing the phrase 'worthy is Your name' we are in harmony - otherwise the verses are in unison.  When there are just instrumental parts, no need be uncomfortable and wonder what you should be doing  :-)  Smile, clap along, and enjoy yourself.  
    • Electric Guitar - remember the hammer downs for the instrumental.  I will join you with harmonies in some of the soloing like in practice (it sounded so cool - I've never done that before!) 
    • Bass & Percussion - work together to ensure the tempo doesn't lag in this song.  Remember in the bridge we start with off-beats on the bass drum, then move to quarter notes as we build.
  • Someone can share here briefly.  Let me know if you feel led.
  • Amazing Love
    • Keys start this song with the piano layered with a pad.  Remember to keep the tempo slower than you naturally want to start it.  We can relax into the start of this one.
    • Singers, we really need to listen on this one - particularly in the chorus - for when and how the notes are changing.
    • Big build in the bridge of this one back into the chorus 'Amazing Love' with a crisp, clean cut from the instruments.  Instruments come back in on the A chord like we practiced.  Big cymbal rolls are great.
  • I Found a Love
    • All instruments start together, drums are doing the beat using the toms.  When we get into the verse, instruments cut out except for bass, acoustic, and drums (only playing high-hat and bass drum on the off beats).
    • Singers are unison in the first verse and first chorus.  
    • Remember, when we come to the end of this song, we aren't really ending it.  We quietly rock between G and C, and then the bass and acoustic will start the walkup (G Am, G/B, C).  Drums, keys, and guitars will gradually and sensitively join in.  We continue to build and singers sing 'You make me come alive' and we continue to build and free worship.  Remember, we end the progression on a C chord and hold it for 2 whole bars until we finally resolve it to a G.
  • Can one of the singers please close with a prayer here?  Again, nice and loud, slow and clear so everyone can hear you.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Oct. 8 Set List

Good practice this past Thursday everyone!  We covered a lot of bases in the time we had.  Before posting youtube videos of our Oct. 8 set list, I had some thoughts:

- For A.W on keys:  After seeing you start Amazing Love an octave higher twice, I realized that I was probably giving you conflicting messages about 'keyboard playing'.  Sorry about that.  There are some songs where it's better to play your keyboard up higher and keep your left hand either off the keys or on the vibrato stick so that you are clearly heard when you need to be.  These are generally songs that are driven by guitars.  On the other hand, songs that are keyboard driven (like our arrangement of Amazing Love) it sounds better if you play lower in the keyboard and give it a good solid bass with your left hand since guitars are holding back on this song.  Hopefully that makes sense.  I saw a great improvement in your playing this week.

- For the Percussionists:  To reiterate what I said in practice, less is more - particularly in the area of fills on the set.  Listen to how the drummers do their fills in the songs below and in other songs you listen to.  I'd say half of the fills are quite understated given the ability of what the drummer could do.    It's all about what works within the scope of the 'whole' song, musically.  Intentionally 'holding back' on what you can do on the drums can create that 'positive tension' we were talking about a couple of weeks ago and allow you to focus on things like consistent tempo.  :-)  Both of you were fantastically tight with the fast version of You Are Good in practice though.  It sounded great!

- Singers:  You are sounding great!  Like we talked in practice, here are some things to keep in mind:
     1.  Are you in tune?
     2.  Are you following the vocal movements together with the other singers?  
     3.  Are you enunciating your syllables together?
     4.  Also, something we didn't talk about...  Non-verbal communication - facial expressions and posture:  what are you doing?  As worship leaders, I'd suggest that we smile, feel free to clap and move around a bit (I saw some of you doing that in practice - good!).  Generally look like you are engaged in worship - not just singing.

Here's our set for Oct. 8.  Please learn them well and prepare your hearts  ;-)   Also please practice our other songs as well so we're ahead of the game once we finish this encounter.  Thanks!

You Are Good

Everyone Praises

I Found A Love

Amazing Love

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Some Math :-)

Here's some math for you - just what you wanted, I know.  :-)  It's some motivation for me and you to come to practice and get set up quickly after school.

Let's assume we have a good day and have 90 minutes to practice - we're set up by 3:30 and we finish at 5:00.  If we allotted 15 minutes of practice together per song, we'll be able to get through 6 songs in that one practice!  There's some food for thought for those of you who would like to do an 'all music' chapel.  Hopefully that some motivation to come prepared (that is - knowing the song inside and out) to Thursday afternoon, rather than using Thursday afternoon as time to learn the song.

I don't mean to sound tough.  I do think we need to use our time together to build 'the team' as well.  And to me that has to involve some visiting, jamming a bit, and trying a 'musical experiment' here and there.

I'm looking forward to seeing you all on Thursday.  Please remember to bring your earphones/headphones as I think we'll be setting up with the big system.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Some Thoughts

Hi Everyone,

Good practice on Thursday last week.  It was great to meet you all and I'm glad everyone was able to show up even though it might have been a bit short notice for some of you.  I'm looking forward to working/playing with you all this year.

Song Choices
Since our practice time together is limited, I'd like to mention a few things here.  Some of you were wondering if students could suggest songs to add to our set lists.  I'm totally open to this, in fact 'I Found a Love' was one of the student suggestions last year.  I need to warn you though, that while song suggestions will be considered, there is no guarantee that we will do them.  There are a variety of reasons why:
  • There are 3 other school worship bands.  Some of them may be working on those same songs and we try not to overlap on songs if we can help it - unless it's an intentional decision.  I've already had a suggestion this year for 'Mighty to Save' and I know that Mr. Schneider's band is working on that one.  Again, that doesn't mean we won't do it, we may look at it later in the year.
  • Songs that sound good recorded by professionals may not be so easy for us to get ready.  Things to keep in mind when considering a song for our band are:
    • What is the vocal range of the song?  Several cool, fast Hillsong songs have a verse that start an octave lower in the first verse and then move an octave higher in the second verse and higher still in the chorus and bridge.  These can be a challenge for people to sing to.
    • How technical is the piece for different instruments?  A song with cool drum parts might have guitar parts that are 'out of our league' (too many guitar parts, or too technical), or a bunch of sequenced keyboards (we don't use sequencers with our keyboards).  
  • Does the song fit what what is happening in that week's Encounter?  If we know what the theme for an Encounter is in advance, we will try as best we can to line up our song set with that theme.  That may mean leaving our favourite polished song on the table for next time.
I understand the sentiment that students will be more likely motivated to practice and do well on songs they want to play - that's pretty much natural for everyone I think.  With God's help, I try the best I can to balance all the considerations above when deciding on a set list.   I've played for years in bands where I didn't get to make the song choices.  No doubt, it can be frustrating at times, but I came to a point where I realized that I was ultimately on that team to serve.  As my attitude changed, I began to understand that one of the marks of a truly good musician/singer is they can make a song sound good irrespective of whether they would have chosen to play it or not.

Working on a team can be gratifying or frustrating - it all depends on one's attitude.  As a software consultant I've worked on lots of teams outside of the music arena.  Many facets of an effective team are similar across disciplines.  Here's some things I've noticed about good teams:
  • Teams are only as strong as their weakest member.  Practice is important.  The more familiar everyone is with the songs and their parts, the more we'll be able to focus on playing together and then moving onto new songs.  
  • There is real power in preferring others to yourself and giving them the chance to succeed first.
  • Encouragement is a great team builder...   so is food.
  • Effective communication is essential.  How we speak to each other, and how we listen (not selectively but for understanding) is foundational.  Don't be afraid to ask questions - they open the door to real learning and understanding.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Welcome to Our Team! First Thoughts and Songs

Hi everyone!

I'm excited about having you all on our team this year - welcome to those of you who are returning and to the new people on the team!  I believe God is going to do great things in and through us this year in our singing, playing, practicing, and worshiping Him.

Much of our core group hasn't changed from last year so I'm thinking we should be ready to do a chapel fairly soon.  Practices will be on Thursdays after school and they'll start Sept 11 (this Thursday).  Please arrive promptly after the bell rings.  I'd like us to all work together to get the sound system set up.  We should be ready to practice (with everything set up) by 3:30.

For you new members on the team this year, have a look through the old blog posts to see how we did things last year.  Generally I post thoughts as well as songs we'll practice on the blog as videos, and after chapels I'll have a debrief post which everyone should read.

Here's a list of songs to get familiar with - it doesn't mean we'll do all of them as the team from last year is well aware  :-) .   I love these fast songs because they have lots of shots, keep a lot of the instrumentalists busy - they are just lots of fun.  Feel free to suggest songs as well...

You Are Good (Bethel) key of G - we did this one last year.

You Are Good (PlanetShakers) Key of D - Great one for Mac!  Get that guitar part down  :-)  Good one for you drummers too.

Lord You Are Good (Israel Houghton) Key of E.  This is a good one for everyone!  A little old, but it will help us learn to play together as a team (and it fits with the theme I've got going).  Drummers watch what this guy does (ignore his crazy outfit).  He puts in lots of good fills and yet keeps a good feel going throughout the song.

Everyone (Desperation Band) Key of E - We did this one last year.  It's a fairly easy one we could put together.

I Found a Love (Bethel) Key of G - We did this one last year.  The old members know it well.

Healing is in Your Hands (Christy Nockels) Key of D - We prepared this one last year, but didn't have a chance to do it.  I love this song.  Lots of potential for God to move in and through us in this one.

You are Good (Kari Jobe ) Key of G - This is a new one, but relatively easy I think.  I'm not entirely sure if the girls can hit all the low notes in the verse when we sing it in G - we'll see   :-)

Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

June 10 Chapel Debrief

And that's a wrap!  Our last chapel for this year is complete.  Good work everyone!  It was pretty fun playing on the altered stage.  Thanks again to all of you and your parents for getting to the school early so we could set everything up and get a good sound check in.  That really helps!  It was unfortunate that we didn't have time to play our last song.  Mr. D. said he would have gone ahead and played it anyway.  I'll remember that for next time.  :-)

I've really seen you all improve over the year.  You all have gotten a much better understanding of how to arrange a song, when to play, when not to play, and different little 'tweaks' - things to put into an arrangement give the song umph, finesse, and  make it easy to listen to.  Below I don't use names for privacy reasons, but you know who you are:

Electric guitar - This year you've gone from playing rhythm guitar to solo guitar.  The strides you made particularly in the last month with finding the little solo riffs on your own and putting them into songs in tasteful places was fantastic and great to see and hear!

Bass - I really enjoyed your input throughout the year - not just on bass progressions, but on song arrangements for the whole band.  You really have a musical gift.  Use it!  Not just in school, but find other places to use it as well.  It was fun to hear you add your personality to your playing and watch you help mentor other members of the band.

Drums - I got comments from several people about how you've improved over the year.  You're experimenting with tasteful tweaks to beats which is great practice and it sounds great to.  You also learned to restrain the beat when required and keep it very simple but driving - also very important.  And I think you started to realize how key the drummer is to the arrangement of the entire song - a missed shot or outro can be a disaster, yet little things like a roll on a rim or a high-hat can be just the right thing.

Keyboards & Synth - I feel like we're just starting to tap the potential of what you two could offer.  You learned about how different sound patches can really add flare and flavor to a song.  And how the left hand is a 'no-no' 90% of the time  :-)  Knowing the sound patches and different things you can do with them on the keyboard is pretty key (no pun intended lol).  With your playing, personal presence and examples, you both provided a musical polish that the band needed.

Acoustic Guitar - Great work with different strumming patterns and experimenting with the capo.  The band also took advantage of your musical opinions, enthusiasm and talents.

Singers - I've been impressed all year with how our voices blended.  One of the things we learned was to 'kiss the mike'.  Right?  :-)  Also we are being watched and what we do is contagious. 

As a band, I felt we started to learn to listen to each other and in playing songs in practice, actually enjoy them (instead of being stressed out about chords and words, etc.)  We had some fun times and some good spontaneous worship/music sessions in practice.  You were all very patient with me and flexible with song choices, changes, wrong turns (sometimes), power outages, and practice cancellations. 

Today was a fantastic end to the year.  The songs sounded great. Well done everyone.  I hope to work with you next year on my worship team.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

June 10th Set List Possibilities

Here's some potential songs for our next Chapel.  Remember that a major part of learning a song is listening to it.  Please listen to these songs multiple times - over and over.  As you listen, focus on what your part it in the song and try and play it as they do in the videos.

Also, if we could try showing up on time to practice, that would help too.  :-)

Everyone - I think we might be able to pull this fast one together quickly.  Let me know if you do it a lot in chapels in the past.

Forever - We can easily include this one in the line up if we don't get board with it.  Perhaps we can move the key(s) up a bit?

Amazing Love  - This one is a definite go after practice last week.  I think it will come together well.

Healing is in Your Hands

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Chapel May 6 Debrief

Well...  I guess we could say we've accomplished our acoustic chapel without really meaning to.  :-)  That's the first time I've ever been in that situation before.  You all handled it like pros.  It was great to see C.Z. and O.F. just givin'er on the percussion. 

I thought that was probably our most relaxed set up, sound check, and worship set to date.  Everyone chipped in and helped and did their part from what I could see in the set up.  We were able to almost run through the entire set in the sound check.  Pre-power-outage worship was good.  I felt like we all knew where we were going - even when I through in an extra chorus a couple of times - great job!  It hardly phased you at all.  That's listening and being prepared!  I thought our feel and dynamics in the songs was very good - frankly I felt I could have done a little more to help the dynamics with my guitar in Beautiful, but I wanted to help with the singing and I didn't want to make a mistake.  We were definitely headed in the direction we wanted to go with Here I Am to Worship.  Actually, scratch that.  We got to where we wanted to go with Here I Am to Worship.  Ending it acapella was part of our original plan. 

Great job everyone!  I'm proud of you all.  That will be an experience none of us will forget. 

As things currently stand, we play Chapel again on June 10th.  Here's a song I'd like to do in the set list for that Chapel.  Please think about other songs we could do (Forever maybe?  since we didn't get to do it today?)


Friday, April 11, 2014

Next Chapel May 6

Hi Everyone,
Good practice on Thursday.  I thought we worked through those songs pretty well.  We have 3 practices left before our next chapel date.  I think we're in pretty good shape.  Based on our practice last week, and an 'executive decision' on one more slow song, here's what our set list is going to look like:
- You Are Good
- Forever (with key change)
- Beautiful
- Here I am to Worship

I'll post the videos for these songs below.  I'll put my comments for them up here.

You Are Good - Key of G, as we practiced it.  Electric Guitar, please nail the solo part using different strings, not sliding through a bunch of frets on one string.   Keys - we'll probably use an organ and a piano sound (A. on organ, D. on piano)  For the piano, listen in particular to what they do in the bridge - it's very simple, but effective.  Singers, these fast songs are going to be about you smiling and clapping and being totally into it.  No excuses for not clapping and smiling anymore!  Instrumentalists - remember first verse just bass and drums.  Second verse we do the 2 chord shots with the drums (bass drum).

Forever - Start in the key of D.  Key change into E after the bridge.  Remember the stops coming out of the verses into the chorus.  Key's - we'll use a piano and either strings or a nice keyboard sound for this one.  Again with the verses, its mostly bass and drums with some keys.  Intro and choruses we're full on playing our parts.  In the bridge its bass drums and keys for 4 'you love endures forever's, than a snare drum snap, and only bass drum until the key change.

Beautiful - Key of A.  Just drums, a little bass, and acoustic guitar to start this song.  The more we can pull back on our instruments and only play what really fits, the better.  Singers, please learn the words and practice parts.  Drums, listen to the song a lot to hear how the drums change and build through each verse and chorus.  They really control the dynamic of this song, so it's important to know how all the different beats change.

Here I am to Worship - Key of E.  We needed another slow song.  I wanted one everyone knew and that was relatively simple to play.  In the verse it's mostly acoustic, bass, and drums, with a little keys.

Musically, one of the main themes for this set is pull back if you can.  It will be better to play less than play more, particularly in the slow songs.  Vocally, I really want to see you smiling, you clapping, you lifting your hands and your hearts, totally engaged in praise and worship.  Remember, we're leading worship in chapel :-)

Here's the videos:

You Are Good



Here I Am to Worship

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

New Songs for Spring

Welcome back!  Hope you all are having a good spring break.  I trust the Grade 11's had a great trip!  While you were gone the rest of us went over several new songs - just feeling them out.  I'll post them here along with another idea or two.  We can decide what to do for our next chapel in our first practice after spring break is over.

Also remember, I want to try and step back from being the 'obvious leader' during chapels.  It would be best if I wasn't up at the front at all.  I want to facilitate you all moving into leading the worship, so prayerfully keep that in mind and take ownership.  Each of you, come 'to the front' and take your stand - lead with your suggestions, your stories and devotions, your prayers and scriptures, and your songs, your playing and singing.  :-)

Here are the songs (still open to other suggestions as well):

You Are Good

We did this one in practice before spring break and it came together pretty well.  Its fast and its fun and it has great words.  Please get familiar with it and learn your parts cold  :-)

I Will Go

T. suggested this one.  Apparently it is often done after spring break when the Grade 11's get back.  We had fun playing this one in practice before spring break.  It seemed to come together fairly quickly.

You Are Everything (Matthew West)

If we can get into the feel of this song - not just the musical feel, but also the emotion and 'live and breathe' the words, this could be a very effective worship song.  Obviously is a bit different for drums (6/8 time) and the piano part is right out front.  Listen to it, think and pray about it and let me know what you think

You Are Beautiful

Drums - once this one gets going, it would be good if you could hit the snare through the chorus as he does - so if you count through the chorus in sets of 8, he hits the snare on beats 4 and 7 (and sometimes 1)  The bass drum is a steady beat landing on 1,3,5, and 7.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March 11 Chapel Debrief

Good work everyone!  I guess you all will have to forgive me for instigating that 'train wreck' we had. Sometimes these circumstances serve to bolster our humility - and they also serve to remind us to improve and work things out better next time.  I actually think our response to my blunder was pretty good.  I think Jesus would have laughed right along with us.

Be encouraged!  Shake it off, just like Paul when he got bitten by the serpent when he was on his way to Rome.  God is growing good things on our team and in each of you.  Its a learning process.  Thanks for sharing that word before we started, A.T.  Also, thanks to everyone for helping with the set up and tear down.  I think that was the fastest setup/tear-down I've seen it so far. I appreciate your smiles, your good attitudes, and your willingness to serve God and the school on this team. 

We don't have the stage at school this week Thursday because of the play, so I think we'll cancel this week's practice.   

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Next Chapel - March 11!

Hi everyone,
Our next chapel date is March 11!  As you already probably know, the theme of chapels for this month is Forgiveness.  As we discussed in our last practice, our order of songs will be:
- Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)  E
- I Found a Love   G
our country medley...
- God is Good    D
- I Saw the Light   D
- I'll Fly Away   D
- The Happy Song    D
Somewhere in this first couple songs, one of us can talk about the prodigal son.  Also we may potentially feel led to do some free worship.

To revisit our experience and discussion regarding free worship, here's some thoughts:
  • Free worship works better when it happens naturally - like it began for us in practice that first time.  We need to continue trying it when we practice as that will make everyone more comfortable with it. 
  • For the singers, there is no need to feel like you must sing.  However, you should continue to have an attitude of worship, listening with an open heart.  Looking around at what everyone else is doing doesn't quite work.  Worship is about participating - not observing  :-)  If you want to sing, but don't know what to sing, just relax and repeat a single line from a song you know.  When you do that, I personally think its better to sing to God, rather than about God. What I mean here is it makes more sense (to me) to sing 'God, you're good' instead of 'God it good' or 'God, you've ransomed me!' instead of 'God has ransomed me'  Make it personal.  Actually sing to God. 
  • For the instruments, similar to the singers, don't feel like you need to play.  Relax, wait, and listen.  We will always be rocking between the I and the IV chords (so if we're playing in the key of C, that would be C (I) and F(IV)).  When you decide to play, ease into it.  Be sensitive of the atmosphere.  Start simple and gradually add more volume and notes, being sensitive to how the music sounds as a whole.  Worship from your instrument.  Whatever note or chord you play, fill it with life and meaning for God (and try and make sure it fits within the rest of the music that is happening).  Usually free worship ebbs and flows, like a gentle wind or wave. Try to attune yourself to hearing those 'curves' and play your notes to fit in. 
That's all for now.  See you all on Thursday!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

News Songs!

Hey Everybody,
Good practice today.  It sure is fun to see how fast we can pick up new songs.  If someone could let me know what the theme for chapels in March is, that would be great.  Also, if each of us could russell up a cowboy hat or two by then, :-)  that would be super as well.

Here's the new songs to listen to closely and learn:

God Is Good

Like I said in practice, it will be important for all of us to listen to this closely and know the melody in all the parts of the song.  Particularly in the verses (even though E will be 'preaching' through them) - certainly the bridge.
Keyboards - have fun with the keyboard licks - there's lots of them in this song.  You don't have to learn them, but they would be fun to learn and play.
Singers - listen to when they back up with with words compared to when they do the 'oooh's'  It would be good if we could do it similarly.

I Saw the Light/I'll Fly Away

Heh - I hadn't seen this video before.  I had no idea that David Crowder was a hillbilly.  This is awesome.  We'll do both of these (I saw the Light and I'll Fly Away) as a medley like they do - perhaps not all those verses though.  :-)

Amazing Grace/My Chains are Gone

We'll arrange this one similar to the way Chris does it here - start quiet with just keyboards and a pad and build it slow.  Watch towards the end of the video to see what it escalates to.

You're Beautiful

Drums - once this one gets going, it would be good if you could hit the snare through the chorus as he does - so if you count through the chorus in sets of 8, he hits the snare on beats 4 and 7 (and sometimes 1)  The Bass drum is a steady beat landing on 1,3,5 and 7.

And, of course:

One Way

Remember with this one we need to get the chords coming out of the chorus going back into the verse.  Guitars should follow the snare beat.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Jan. 21 Chapel Debrief

Did you all see that?!?  I hope you didn't miss it!  In all my apparent disorganization with song order before chapel, we asked God to come and help us and work things out and...  He did!!!   It was a great example of what we were all talking about in chapel - knowing and experiencing God moving in our lives in a personal way.  We asked God for help with something and He came through and showed He's ready to help us out.  :-)

Well, well done, everyone!  It was great to see so many of your parents out!  I thought it was actually fun to mix things up a bit and have the songs at the end.  And hey - we did 5 songs!  Surprise!  It was great to see everyone so involved.  I enjoyed glancing over and seeing one of you really worshiping with your hands up (not sure who it was... E.S. perhaps?) and sharing a smile in the middle of a song with K.M.  I especially enjoyed the ends of the fast songs where we'd make a big racket and brought the house down.  What fun!  I believe God enjoyed it too.

Thanks for reading that scripture at the beginning A.V. - you did a great job of it.  You enunciated very clearly and your voice was strong and well heard.  Good work!  I hope you all didn't mind me saying something - I wasn't sure about it since I was sort of a 'lone adult voice' in a student chapel, but what's done is done. 

I think it was beneficial (a good idea and worked well) for us to do the slow songs first - for a couple of reasons:
  • It gave both the sound guys and us a chance to find that sweet spot in our vocal blend.  It didn't seem like it took long for us to find it, and when we did - I have to say that from my vantage point - it sounded really, really good!
  • I think the slower songs allowed for a smoother transition between the first half of chapel (the panel) and the fast songs.
I thought our song transitions were pretty good.  It sure was fun to get into those fast songs.  Instrumentalists - great work on the shots and keeping together!  I only noticed 2 boo boos.  One of them was me - I hit a wrong chord in Nothing Is Impossible that was pretty blatant.  The other one was C.Z. in the same song - it sounded like you got a little busy and missed coming back in at one part - maybe that was when you dropped your stick.  Nice recovery though!  You came right back in quickly without a problem.  The drum work sounded great in that song, by the way.  Also I could hear both keyboards (A.T, D.W.) quite well in most of the songs and you both sounded great!  D.W., your string pad in the slow songs was front and center for everyone to hear.  A.T. - the organ in the fast songs was perfect and I heard the tremolo!  O.F. - nice doodling in the outro to I Found a Love.  M.W - again, your patch sounds great in those songs.

We'll see you all in practice on Thursday.  Get ready to go over One Way, and Best Friend.  We'll have to find some new slow songs to do.  Thanks everyone!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Next Chapel - Tuesday, Jan. 21

Hi everyone,
Nice work in practice today.  Here's the link to the article I was talking about: 
Singers should definitely have a look at this article  :-)

As we discussed in practice, our set for Jan. 21 will tentatively be:
- Undignified
- Nothing is Impossible
- I found a Love
- Freedom Reigns in this Place
Depending on how practice goes next week, we may replace Undignified with Jesus, Best Friend.  

Also, keep the theme of chapels this month in mind - if you feel like God is impressing something on you to share in between one of the songs in chapel, please let me know!