Saturday, December 14, 2013

Thoughts and new song videos

Hi everyone,

Remember for our Dec 3 chapel I mentioned to you all that in between the songs I would talk about David dancing before the Lord with all his might?  Did any of you notice that I actually talked about something totally different?  I didn't really plan on doing that.  I meant to talk about David, but funny enough, it didn't happen like that.   Here's what happened…

A few days before our last practice leading up to the chapel I got thinking about the words to all of the songs.  If you recall I had us all talk through the words in that last practice.  While I was thinking about the words to the songs, that line in The Happy Song "…for now I know that God is for me, and not against me…" made me sit up and think.  Kornelia and I had recently talked about being scared of the rapture, and that parallel was fresh in my mind - we don't have to be scared and afraid - God is on our side if we believe.  I had no intention of sharing that story though.

Then came Dec 3.  We had finished our sound checks.  They had finished announcements.  Mrs. Freeman was doing the intro to chapel and my mind went blank.  I though 'well God, I know I had a few ideas of what to talk about during the first and second song, I'm just going to rest in whatever you bring to me when the time comes.  That's what I did, and you heard what I ended up saying.  Kind of an interesting progression….

I Found A Love this past week - fantastic!  I'm very happy with how fast that song came together.  We are starting to get a feel of playing together.  It feels very natural in that song.  Great job everyone!  We'll keep working on Nothing is Impossible and Best Friend.  I'll post a video for Best Friend below along with a couple other songs I'm thinking about.

Best Friend

Drums - Listen hard to the beat in this song.  In the intro and instrumentals he does a snare, snare on beats 3 and 4 repetitively - we should try and emulate that.  Also, we need to get as close as we can to the beat he's doing in the verses  :-)
Singers - we're going to need to figure out how to get together enunciating our words - especially in the verses and the words come fast and furious. 

Made Me Glad

Bass - Sustained notes are important in this song.  The bass is still fooling around on different notes, but he's not leaving much dead space.  We need that for a good foundation in this song.  
Drums - the drums are a major factor in controlling the ebb and flow (dynamics) of this song.  Listen to how he builds the intensity.  Very solid simple bass drum and snare beat, but he then adds on top of that - listen from toms into the second chorus added to the beat.  They provide a great 'increase' in intensity.
Keys - the keyboards to a lot of ditties in the verses of this song that are great to learn.  Octave runs up help build intensity going into the chorus.  Repeated single notes are great for impact.

One Way

I think we could pick this song up pretty quickly.  Most of you know it already and it's quite easy to play.
Electric Guitar - its got some cool lead parts for you - see if you can get them down.
Drums - try and nail the beat in the verses - it that double snare again.  His bass drums is pretty steady and busy in this song - a good workout.  :-)
Keys - in the second verse, hear that cool synth sound in the background?  I'll show it too you - it will sound really cool.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Dec. 3rd Chapel Debrief

Well, in a word that was awesome!  The fact that almost all of you showed up for set up and we were able to run through 2 songs before the service on a weather day like today was fantastic!  Thank your parents for me, please.  I know that might have been a bit of a stressful drive to school in the drifts and the dark.  Thanks also to the team members who helped set up chairs at the beginning - I know that isn't your job, but we were a great help while we waited for the stage doors to get unlocked.  Also thanks to everyone who helped pack up at the end.  It warms my heart to see all your servant hearts <3

As for the set, I thought it went quite well.  We've been asked to do both Undignified and The Happy Song in a future chapel!   Our song choices went quite well with the rest of the service.  Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures to share this time.  However, I thought that we nailed all of our 'queues' through the songs with the exception of one (the build of the choruses 2nd time through in I Exalt Thee - but no big deal there).  Whoever had the idea to do 2 choruses of Joy, Unspeakable Joy back to back and have the second one as vocals only.... brilliant!  If anyone in the audience found their attention drifting at that point, I guarantee it was snapped right back as our transition to vocals there was spot on.  All you singers - you are such natural vocal blenders.  This is a great skill to have. Both acapella parts in the last two songs sounded great.  I also thought that we balanced our unison singing versus our harmony singing well.

Instrumentalists - great job.  As I'm a little busy during the songs, I don't hear everything.  But what I did hear of your individual parts sounded great - and I did hear each of you at some point or other.  Nice job Mr. D for filling in with us on bass!  Great job instrumentalists, on the 'big endings'!  I love those and we did them well. 

Did you girls put the Santa hats on during Joy?  I wasn't paying attention and didn't notice.

Other than that, I'd love to hear some of your feedback on Thursday. 

Songs in the hopper to start getting familiar with:

I Found a Love

Nothing is Impossible
This song rocks.  Drums and Guitar - it will be a challenge for you!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Chapel Tuesday Dec. 3rd!

Hi everyone,

Our next chapel is this Tuesday!  We'll be doing the set we've been working on.  I bought santa hats for everyone.  You're going to love them, A!  Please remember to be at the school at 7:15 sharp Tuesday morning as we have to set up the system, do a sound check and a run through.

Some reminders and thoughts I had about our coming set after the last practice:

  • Electric guitar - maybe listen to the videos (Joy, Unspeakable Joy in particular) a couple more times before Tuesday and see if you can nail those parts.  I could see you were still searching for the right frets last Tuesday.  Also remember in Undignified you are just doing single notes with the bass, not chords, during the intros and the versus.  
  • Drums, excellent country beat in The Happy Song!  Remember in Undignified to play a straight, steady, driving beat in the chorus.  In the intro and versus I think in practice you were doing quarter notes on the high hat?  We'll try eighth notes on the high hat in the warm up Tuesday morning.
  • Bass - great feel as well in The Happy Song.  For I Exalt Thee - ensure that in the first verse and first chorus you are providing us with a solid foundation by playing full (well plucked) notes on the chart and not playing any passing notes (notes that aren't written in the chart).  Once we get into the second verse and beyond, you can ad lib some more with the exception of the walk-ups in the verses (no bass walkups for 'for thou oh Lord...' and 'You are exalted for above...' )
  • Everyone...
    • Remember to smile, move, relax, have fun, and clap where you can in the first 2 songs!  
    • Remember in The Happy Song we're doing that special ending with the chord shots  G,  A, and D - watching the drummer as we do them cleanly  :-)  
    • Joy to the World - we're ending with the voices only on the 'chorus' - Joy, Unspeakable Joy
    • I Exalt Thee we will also be ending with just the voices after our big build.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Prep for Dec 3 Chapel (After Nov. 7 practice)

Hi everyone,

After Thursday's practice I had a couple of thoughts... :-)  Also I'm switching out 'I found a love' for 'the Happy Song' (video and link to music posted below)

  1. Everyone should be listening to their parts (in these videos) and practicing these pieces during the week.  I probably shouldn't be hearing things like 'I sort of know how the song goes - I watched the video in my spare today' or 'I don't know this song - haven't heard it before'.  That's not really fair to me or the others in the team that have been practicing.
    When I'm getting ready for a set at church, even when I know the song and I've played it in the past, I still listen to the video many times during the week before.  I will play with it, listen for my part and try and nail it exactly as it's done in the video - this really helps the group practice move along and (of course) makes it sound better.  It will make you a better musician as well.  So please (pretty please :-) ) listen to the songs this week and practice.
  2. Perhaps an appropriate analogy for us singers to keep in mind is that we are sort of like 'cheerleaders'.  People are watching us.  We're helping them cheer for God, in a matter of speaking.  If we are smiling, clapping, and full of energy, that will reflect and transfer over to them.  If we aren't, that also reflects and transfers over to them.  So don't be afraid to smile, clap, move a bit, think of some simple actions, etc. 
So here's our revised song set for Dec. 3  I've copied the notes from last week with updates based on key changes and thoughts.

Undignified Remember we're playing this in A now.

Bass, Elec. Guitar - you two will follow each other in the intro and the musical interludes between verses.  The line goes like this: A A A A D D D D D D C# C# B B B B and repeat
Drums - try and emulate the drums exactly like they do in this arrangement.  
Keyboards - at 2:20 there is a cool part that one of you could try (its a guitar part, but you could do it on the keyboard - ask me about the patch to use)

The Happy Song  Link to music here

Drums - :-)  This is a country feel.  You'll be hitting the snare twice as much as normal.  Try and get the stops like they do it.  We won't have you play the snare through the verses.  I think you'll stop with the music (so essentially shots in the verses).  We'll see how it goes.  Same thing in the "everybody's singing now... "  part.  We'll want to make sure the tempo doesn't go too fast as we'll feel like auctioneers (there's lots of words coming at you fast)
Bass - This is a country feel.  I think you get it.
Rest of the musicians.  Pay attention to where they stop and start the music.  There's lots of fun shots in this song.

Joy to the World

Elec. Guitar - you've got the guitar lead on this - intro and then the part I should you for the 'joy unspeakable joy' part.
Drums (and everyone) - listen to how they build the 3rd verse.  Also drums - when we to the 'joy unspeakable joy' part - you should switch to a nice clean ride cymbal.
We will NOT be doing the key change.  We'll stay in C for the entire song.

I Exalt Thee

This is a way longer, more complicated version than we will do.  We'll keep it simple.  We'll play it in F.  Start listening around 4:15 - That's kind of what I'm going for.  The verse will be more subdued.

I'll bring sheet music for all of these next week.  Please listen to these (many times) and practice this week so we'll be in good shape for practice next week.
Thanks a bunch, gang!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Next Chapel - Dec 3

Our next Chapel looks like it will be Dec. 3rd.  So we'll have 3 full practices before our last practice with the in ear monitors and the new sound system, not counting the one we had yesterday.  Special kudos to T.F. for getting to practice promptly, working diligently on getting everything set up, and for filling in on keys. 

Our line up for Dec. 3 is below with notes about the arrangements.  Again, I want to encourage you all with a couple of things I've said before...

  1. The power of God to move in our worship is amazing.  Believe it.  God can move and change hearts in ways we'll never understand when we encourage people to sing and lift their hearts (and hands, and lives) to him in song.  We provide the foundation, the atmosphere for God to move.  What we say, how we sing, act, move, etc. is all part of that foundation and atmosphere.
  2. A bit of a mental exercise for you related to the song Undignified - ask yourself 'What would it be like to dance before the Lord with all your might?'  Have you ever considered that?  How would it feel?  What would you do?  All interesting questions.  I'm not an accomplished dancer by any means.  I can't do handsprings or backflips or even a great moonwalk.  Imagine David sweating, spinning in a cloud of dust, just going for it in front of the ark of the covenant.  We don't really consider dance much in worship these days.  Its an interesting though, especially given the words of this song we'll be doing (Undignified).
So, having gotten that off my mind, here's our set list, in order:

Bass, Elec. Guitar - you two will follow each other in the intro and the musical interludes between verses.  The line goes like this: D D D D G G G G G G F# F# E E E E and repeat
Drums - try and emulate the drums exactly like they do in this arrangement.  
Keyboards - at 2:20 there is a cool part that one of you could try (its a guitar part, but you could do it on the keyboard - ask me about the patch to use)

Joy to the World

Elec. Guitar - you've got the guitar lead on this - intro and then the part I should you for the 'joy unspeakable joy' part.
Drums (and everyone) - listen to how they build the 3rd verse
We will NOT be doing the key change.  We'll stay in C for the entire song.

I found a love

Bass - listen to the bass - he's got a great feel - I know it's easy for you but it will provide a great foundation for us.
Drums - again, try and emulate the drums as close as you can.  If you get bored watch what the drummer does in the intro with his hihat.

I Exalt Thee

This is a way longer, more complicated version than we will do.  We'll keep it simple.  We'll play it in F.  Start listening around 4:15 - That's kind of what I'm going for.  The verse will be more subdued.

I'll bring sheet music for all of these next week.  Please listen to these (many times) and practice this week so we'll be in good shape for practice next week.
Thanks a bunch, gang!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Chapel Debrief and Going Forward

Well done today!  Going forward, for privacy reasons, I'm going to use your initials in the blog.  I've already updated previous posts for this.

Some super high points that really encouraged me were:
- A.T. sharing - She felt like God was prompting her and volunteered to share on her own!  Way to take initiative, stomp on fear, set an example, and speak from the heart, A.T.!
- E.S. - Being willing to read Psalm 91.  I think the passage I gave you was maybe a bit long.  I'll try to remember to keep it shorter next time.  Also for being willing to go for it with harmonies.  Several people told me how good it was to have more than one fellow singing on the team.
- D.W. and A.T. - Keyboards on Freedom Reigns and How Great were fantastic.  You two provided a great background for the verses in those songs.
- C.Z., M.W., and O.F. - You guys provided a great foundation for the band and remembered every build and transition.  Well done!  You even remember the 'C' at the end of How Great!
- T.F., A.V., K.M., E.S., and A.T. - I heard several comments that we had a great vocal blend going - are harmonies were strong in Freedom Reigns and Beautiful One.  Super job!  It was so cool to look over at you all singing and see you just going for it.  I wish I could've take a picture to show you....
- K.M. - for giving your blood for the cause (don't know if you all saw her finger or the guitar, but she was so focused on what she was doing, she practically strummed her finger off)

K.M.'s blood spatter from strumming

Overall,  great job everyone!
Mr. Schneider's feedback:  "I was very impressed with how your team got the audience engaged.  Great Leadership!"

Some things we can keep in mind to improve on for next time:
- I did a lot of the leading today (calling out where we were going, etc.)  I was trying to set an example for you all as that is what I'd like to see whoever is leading the song doing in the future doing - try and make it pretty obvious to us as well as the school what the next transition is.  I know you sort of have to be a bit more outgoing than maybe you normally are.  It's OK to push yourself like that though.  I know it's hard to remember to clap... :-)
- I thought we actually did a bang-up job of planning the set.  I think I dropped the ball with what we were going to do when we were done.  I should have prayed to closed things off.  I was sort of 'whew, we did it' and lost in that thought.  :-)  Feel free to help me plan the 'non-singing' parts of the set and suggest areas where you can get involved!
- I knew I mess up the words somewhere.  Sorry about that.  My apologies A.V.!  At least I gave you all fair warning.  
- We need to get better at set-up.  This will probably be a work in progress all year.  It would be good if each person took responsibility to understand all the set-up required for the electronics they personally use.  I still don't have it down yet - it's a learning curve for me too.  I'd just encourage you to try to understand the setup as much as you can, when you can.

Going forward:
We should be doing chapel in about 3 weeks from today.  There are two new songs in the next set list, and two that we've done already.  Please get practiced up on the new ones.  We'll work on making the old ones better.  The setlist for our next Chapel will be:
- Undignified
- I Found a Love

- Beautiful One

- Freedom Reigns

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Chapel Tuesday Morning!

Hi everyone,
Great practice last Thursday!  Looking towards Tuesday, here's some specific reminders that have crossed my mind:
- Singers, remember to clap in the fast songs.  There's one huge, magic key to being a super effective singer in a worship band - smiling.  :-) 
- M.W., like I mentioned in practice, the less I play and the more you play, the better.  With the time that you have left see if you can nail down the lead in Sing, Sing, Sing.
- O.F., you're a fantastic musician.  We need that bass foundation for the band, so before you 'doodle' up high, make sure we all heard the significant low bass at the chord changes.  That low bass foundation with you and the drums gives (any) song and the band a 'musical authority' to layer on top of.
- C.Z., nice work on the drums - I can tell you practiced the shots and the off-beat bass.
- For everyone - remember your ear phones for the new system!  Let's have fun!

We'll see you all at 7:15am on Tuesday morning!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Preparation for Oct 22 Chapel

Hi everyone,
For the upcoming chapel we're leading, I'm thinking we'll just do the 4 songs:
- Sing, Sing, Sing
- Beautiful One
- Freedom Reigns in This Place
- How Great is Our God

When I think about our upcoming practice this week and the chapel next week, one word comes to my mind:  Inhibition.   By definition, inhibition means: a nervous feeling that prevents you from expressing your thoughts, emotions, or desires   

Certainly we all have things that inhibit us at different times.  I believe that God wants us to worship him with everything we have.  All of our hearts, all of our minds, and all of our voices and musical talent.  I also believe that it all becomes more fun, and more real when we let go of those things that hold us back (inhibitions) - whatever they are...

-  'People I know are watching!  What will they think of me if I do that!?!'  :-)
Here's a secret - it really doesn't matter what they think of you.  If you let it matter, that's another story

-  'How will we sound/do compared to that other band?'
Comparison can be healthy to a point.  However, its easily becomes an unhealthy, unproductive habit.

-  'What if I forget my part or mess up?'
That's why we have a team.  We'll cover for each other.  If you aren't sure what's next, take a break and listen.  It will come to you, then just join back in.  I did a special in church this weekend in both services we have on Sunday.  I messed up both times, but didn't make people aware of it, and we were able to laugh about it later.

-  'You asked me to play/sing louder.  I'm afraid someone will hear me'  :-)
I might be being a bit facetious with this one.  :-)  You are on the team to make yourself heard.  I'm not sure the best way to communicate this....  You need to own you part.  Every note you sing, every note/beat you play - make it count as if it had a life.  Let it sing out!  Resound!  Fill it with you!  You are there to be heard!  :-)  I hope that makes sense.

Finally, one of the best ways to get rid of inhibitions is to have fun.  Even be a bit foolish.  I'll see what I can do.  Kornelia says I need to smile more with you all, and I know I do and I'll try.  I know we're all still getting to know one another a bit.  90 minutes a week isn't a lot of time for me to get to know each of you.  Perhaps we should have you all over to our house one Sunday afternoon and we can play games together and relax for a bit - that might help.  I'll let you know...

Now really finally....  Since we're only doing 4 songs this week, I want to do something a bit fun with How Great is Our God.  We'll still play it at the end.  But we'll also start with it (I think)  Take a look at the video below - in particular watch from 4:20 and see the different arrangement of the chorus.  I'd like to try that at the beginning of chapel with everyone without the band.  We'll see how it goes.  Let me know what you think.....

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Another new song & our first chapel

Hey everyone,
One of you (protecting privacy) suggested a song - I Found A Love.   I really liked it so we'll try and do it.  I'll hand out the sheet music tomorrow.  Also, see the youtube post below.   Also, please practice our current set list along with Undignified.  Our first chapel will be Oct 22.

Some comments about the arrangement above - I like what the bass and the drums are doing.  Ola and Cole, if you could replicate that feel it would be great.  The electric guitar sounds good as well so Mac, if you can find a similar patch just follow the nice open chords like they are doing.   Singers, notice how Jenn (the singer in the video) is totally into the words of this song.  She's moving with it, looking up, focused, captured.   That is where I want you to be.  :-)  Keyboards - you can't really hear them much in this arrangement.  I'd likely have one of you following the chords with a pad patch, and the other playing little diddees with a piano sound.

Finally, some food for thought:
God sings over you!
Zephania 3:17
Your God is present among you,
    a strong Warrior there to save you.
Happy to have you back, he’ll calm you with his love
    and delight you with his songs.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sept 26 - Practice and new song

Hi everyone,
Good practice this evening.  I think you all have a lot of potential.  I also think there are several take-a-ways (things to do) for all of us for next week and beyond...
  1. We need to practice and know our songs.  Some of them (as we saw this week) have fast chord changes.  Please be prepared and know what the chord changes are and when they happen.  Particular songs to focus on this week are:
           - Where the Spirit of the Lord is
           - How Great is Our God
           - Sing, Sing, Sing
           - Undignified
           - Love the Lord your God (in E)
           - Beautiful One
      Don't worry about the other songs for now.  I have posted videos for all of these songs except for Undignified.  I'll put a link to a video for it at the bottom of this post
      2.  Bring a pen/pencil and your sheet music to practice.   :-)
      3.  If you don't know what part you should be playing, listen to the songs and find a part.  Its amazing how much you can learn and improve on your playing by listening - listening and finding your part and also how your part fits into what everyone else is doing.  Practice playing along with the music.  This will help with tempo, timing, speed, and endurance.
 I'm still trying to find my happy spot in leading you all.  It might take a little while, but we'll get there.  I want our playing (practices and otherwise) to be fun.  I know it can be.

Here's the video post for Undignified:

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

First Songs

Freedom reigns in this place 
 We will be a different arrangement of this song.  This video post is just so you get an idea of the melody and chords.

How great is our God 
 I like this arrangement (let me know what you think).  Whole band comes in in the bridge.  I like how Chris keeps it very simple.

I could sing of your love forever

 We will be a different arrangement of this song.  This video post is just so you get an idea of the melody and chords.

Love the Lord your God (Lincoln Brewster)

Not sure about the 'Do-do-doos'.  This is a pretty fun song to do with actions and band shots.  The guitar solo is pretty easy and the rest of the band could add some umph and energy to it with some bigger background chords.

Sing, Sing, Sing 
I like this fast arrangement of this song.  Get ready to sweat a bit, Cole.

Our God (Chris Tomlin) 
 Not sure if we'll do this one as it sounds like the junior high band(s) do it a fair bit.

You are good by Bethel
 This is a really run song to do.  Great words, great parts for guitars and drums.

Beautiful one
 This is a good arrangement as well.  Another option for us